mandag 21. oktober 2013
Her "nyter" vi temperatur rundt frysepunktet og sludd. *brrr* Men vær eller ikke vær, det er mandag og ny uke, og da trengs det alltid en dose cuteness. :) Syntes denne søte lille melankolske pusekatten passet så godt til de grå og triste omgivelsene her i dag.
Håper du har en varmere start på uken enn oss!
//Here we are "enjoying" temperatures around freezing, and the rain is having a schizophrenic episode where it occasionally turns in to snow... *brrrr* Oh well, weather aside, it's Monday and a new week, and that always needs a little dash of cuteness. :) I thought this adorable melancholic looking kitty was suitable for our rather grey and gloomy surroundings here in Norway today.
I sincerely hope you're having a warmer start to the week than us!//
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