Now, my favorite has to be their little robot number. It's getting a bit old but I still find it hilarious! The binary solo and the Stephen Hawking impersonation are just too awesome.
If you haven't seen it yet, you're in for the most ridiculous thing - ever.... I'm serious. Jump ahead to 0:49 on the video below, and brace yourself.... cause the humans are dead!
Some of my favorite moments:
"Affirmative, I poked one, it was dead", "Sniff this one it's dead" and "Come on, sucker, lick my battery".

Ha ha ha, this is nurturing my inner geek. It's is very happy after seeing this.
I love them! Didn't we discover them together, that time at Åshild's house? Also, my heart is torn, favourites-wise, between the robot song and the David Bowie one. "Do you smoke grass up in space, Bowie? Or do you smoke Astro-turf?" XD
SvarSlettThey rock! They are sooo lame. Yeah, pretty sure it was at Åshild's.
SlettI've just been going through several of their videos... OMG! Mermaid... just sayin.. wtf?? Ha ha ha!
Oooh, I have to check out the David Bowie one, haven't heard that one yet! *now officially on a mission*