fredag 28. juni 2013


So I'm in Bergen with my family, which is why it's been a bit quiet on this front lately.  As we're still living pretty far apart, I find it important to spend the time together when we can, so I'll be updating the blog less frequently for a week or so.

I have however taken some pretty pictures that I'll be sharing with you later when I have a moment ;)

Now, it's time to go back up and make Potetekaker! I haven't had it since I was a kid, so this is kinda fun! 
A potetkake (directly translated; potato cake) is something that resembles a pancake, but is made out of potatoes and flour.  That's it.   This is what they look like, more or less.

On the frying pan it goes.  And then, here on the west side of the country at least, we put brown cheese on top or sugar.

I'll show pictures of these as well, of course.  :)

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